
Giving voice to girls’ equity, issues and needs.


The Coalition of Advocates for Equal Access for Girls' mission is to ensure that girls receive equal access to all of the appropriate gender-specific support and services they need to help them develop to their full potential.


We Believe:

All girls, including those who identify as girls and those who are questioning, exploring their gender identity or expression possess their own individual potential and with the right opportunities and support can fulfill the promise of their unique strengths and abilities.

Girls need and deserve the awareness, attention, and commitment of a wide range of individuals to promote their healthy development.

Girls’ concerns and perspectives should be included in the design and implementation of programs, policy decisions, and research intended to address their needs. Girls should be included as partners in these activities in ways that help them gain leadership skills, develop supportive relationships, and experience themselves as active participants in social change.

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Our Impact

The Coalition acts as a state level advocate for girls, an education and information resource on the issues that girls face and on effective work with girls, and a network for members committed to helping girls succeed. The Coalition advocates for and educates others about all girls and young women especially those who are at risk for endangerment and disconnection and involved in State or County systems.

The latest information resource the Coalition has developed, the Gender-Responsive Standards and Assessment Tools and Trauma Informed Practices Handbooks are available in one volume on Amazon, giving programs guidance on implementing gender-responsive and trauma-informed approaches when working with girls.

Click here to check out the handbook on Amazon.


Learn about the most recent and past trainings the Coalition has offered on the most effective approaches available when working with girls. And also check out and stay tuned for more details about our current upcoming training!


Issues that Matter

Read about the issues that can impact girls and get data about girls’ issues and needs that better inform advocates.


We’ve compiled a list of great resources from national and state organizations and publications on the latest research on girls’ issues and effective approaches in working with girls.


Get Involved

Be a voice for girls and young women in Oregon.


get involved

Become a member and join the Coalition in supporting the programs and people working with girls.

Get our handbook

Provides guidance on implementing gender-responsive and trauma-informed approaches for working with girls.

Make a Donation

Support our work to raise awareness of girl’s issues and provide resources for those working with girls.